The Indonesian Ministry of Health continues to make various efforts to prevent the spread of the Corona Disease 2019 (Covid-19) virus, which has caused many victims. In anticipation of the high spread of the virus in the community, the Ministry of Health collaborates with Bina Swadaya Konsultan (BSK) to empower the community in preventing the Covid-19 virus at the RT / RW level.
As an effort to raise awareness in implementing the 3M movement (Washing hands, maintaining distance, wearing masks) and carrying out a healthy lifestyle at the citizen level, the Directorate of Health Promotion and Community Empowerment of the Ministry of Health has compiled a Guidebook for Community Empowerment in Covid-19 Prevention in RT/RW/Village. The book is a guide in exploring the potential of the community to be empowered and able to participate in preventing the transmission of the Covid-19 virus.
Bina Swadaya Konsultan (BSK), as a partner of the Ministry of Health, is believed to be able to implement these guidelines by conducting a pilot in RW 09 Rangkapan Jaya Village, Pancoran Mas District, Depok, West Java.

The activity has been running from September to November 2020 and has provided positive results. The community can participate and contribute to preventing the Covid-19 virus in their neighbourhood.
Wiji Astuti, the field coordinator of BSK, explained that the activity began with collecting data on residents and introspective surveys to produce data on the condition and behaviour of the local community. From the results of the data collection and discussions carried out with residents, finally came the idea or idea of prioritised activities to prevent the transmission of Covid-19.
“By the objectives of the program, the action chosen by the community is the procurement of tools to prevent the spread of Covid-19 and food security as part of the economic defence. This is in line with environmental conditions where there are not many facilities that support efforts to prevent the transmission of Covid-19,” said Wiji during the dissemination of activities with the Ministry of Health through online meetings.
The realisation of action plan was realised in the form of 60 pots of medicinal plants, one disinfectant spray device, ten packages of budikdamber, 99 pots of vegetable plants, 47 hand washing facilities, 790 masks and five units of thermogenic.

According to Wiji Astuti, community involvement in the empowerment program can grow community self-reliance in the form of energy, materials, and assistance in the form of funds. The nature of gotong-royong in the community is also considered stronger in line with the common goal of making a healthier living environment.
The activity program, which lasted for three months, also provided many positive changes to the behaviour of people who were more concerned and strictly implemented 3M health protocols in carrying out their activities.
“There is a behaviour change. Residents who attend recitations and social gatherings wear masks, and hand-washing facilities are available in public places. An appeal to maintain distance was also conveyed,” he said.
It was also explained that hand-washing facilities near stalls, prayer rooms and patrol posts could already be used for the general public. Even in every facility, some residents are ready to take responsibility for caring for the common good.

Marwiyah Ulfa, one of the assistance teams from RW 09 residents who is also a Covid-19 cadre at the RT 04 level, revealed that with the program from the Ministry of Health, she admitted that she had provided many positive changes in people’s behaviour in the neighbourhood.
“So indeed, the change is very far from yesterday after we program because they are directly involved, so they know how to prevent Covid-19 here,” he said.
“First from children, for yesterday’s program, we provided masks for adults and children. So our children help us educate them to wear masks in all their activities, “he continued.
Meanwhile, the Director of Health Promotion of the Ministry of Health, Imran Agus Nurali, when closing the dissemination, hoped that representatives of community assistance at the RT level in the future could convey health protocols to the community independently.
“We empower the community as an exit strategy, later after we leave, they are confident in conveying it to the community at the family level, mosques and so on,” he said.
In a separate place, Herawati, Head of Community Empowerment of the Ministry of Health, revealed that the assistance carried out by Bina Swadaya Konsultan in mobilisation activities in Depok was considered very good.
“The (BSK) team assists the process of mentoring community empowerment directly to the community by what is stated in the guidebook. The process and work shown have been systematic and coordinated, “he said.
He hopes that the good work done by Bina Swadaya Konsultan (BSK) in Depok will continue to be developed by its residents and maintained and can independently provide assistance in other areas.