The end of 2020 holiday is just around the corner, in the midst of the current Covid-19 virus pandemic atmosphere, it’s a good idea to also prepare healthy snacks of crispy oyster mushrooms to accompany you along the way if you go home to your hometown.
Oyster mushrooms are one of the mushrooms that are easy and safe to consume. In addition to its easy presentation, oyster mushrooms also store a myriad of benefits that are useful for the health of the body. In fact, in China, consuming oyster mushrooms is believed to be a medicine to cure diseases.
Reporting to Wikipedia, based on the research of Sunan Pongsamart, Biochemistry, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Chulalongkorn University, oyster mushrooms contain protein, water, calories, carbohydrates, and the rest in the form of iron fiber, calcium, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, and vitamin C.
Oyster mushrooms themselves have health benefits that can reduce cholesterol and weak heart and several other diseases. Oyster mushrooms are also believed to have medicinal properties for various diseases such as liver disease, diabetes, and anemia. In addition, oyster mushrooms can also be useful as antiviral and anticancer and lower cholesterol levels.
The easiest way to enjoy oyster mushrooms is to make mushroom nuggets or crispy mushrooms that can be combined with chili sauce. How to make crispy and crispy mushrooms is enough with dipping dough and dry flour made with the same ingredients and then fried in hot oil that is completely submerged.
Together with Mang Asep, one of the Jonggol residents in Sukadami Village who pursues mushroom cultivation, Bina Swadaya Konsultan (BSK) collaborates in the Jonggol PINTAR program which opens opportunities for cooperation in the development of the oyster mushroom business. Through this program, it is hoped that BSK can develop the community’s economy followed by baglog and mushroom plasma investment programs.
Community empowerment with an investment model is quite effective because the added value can be measured. After being given training, mentoring, and website creation, it is now known that incoming backlog orders have begun to increase.
The large demand for baglogs made the Jonggol Pintar and Asep Teams involve Jonggol women in the Jonggol Semar mushroom group to make baglogs while increasing family income to meet daily needs.
Through the Jonggol Pintar program, BSK opens up to anyone who wants to order mushrooms and be part of the empowerment for residents of Sukadami Village, Jonggol Regency, Bogor, West Java. Well, those of you who want to order mushrooms can contact the following contact number / (WhatsApp): +62 857-7274-0901.