October 6, 2023

Bina Swadaya Online Dialogue with Batang Cooperative Management

Bina Swadaya held an online gathering with the administrators of the Batang Regency Savings and Loans Cooperative (KSP), Saturday (24/7). The online activity was attended by the founder of the Bina Swadaya Foundation Bambang Ismawan as the initiator of the Village Revitalization Movement (GRD), Head of the GRD DE Working Team. Susapto, Member of GRD Working Team, and KSP Management of Batang Regency.

Dialog online Bina Swadaya dengan pengurus Koperasi Batang

The activity was guided by the GRD DE Team Leader. This Susapto took place in a dialogical, interactive atmosphere and shared experiences of the Batang Cooperative management to Bina Swadaya. The purpose of this activity is to invite all elements involved in the cooperative movement to increase togetherness in strengthening the cooperative movement, especially in the era of the COVID-19 pandemic.

For information, Batang Regency is a location frequented by Bambang Ismawan. Where he and Bina Swadaya initiated the Village Revitalization Movement (GRD) in the region.

GRD initiator Bambang Ismawan in his speech stated that in the implementation of the Batang Revitalization Movement, initially, Bina Swadaya studied the conditions in Batang. Furthermore, prepare a work plan, find funds, establish implementation teams at the center and in the field, determine the number of villages and sub-districts that will become work areas, and recruit and train mentors. In addition, socializing the GRD concept to village heads and their devices.

“We have conveyed the idea and concept of Village Revitalization with Mr. Moeldoko, Minister of Village and PDTT, Minister of Cooperatives, Governor of Central Java, and Regents to tell the GRD concept that has been carried out in 14 Batang Districts. When they heard it, they appreciated what was done in Batang Regency,” said Bambang Ismawan in his speech.

The Chairman of the East Star Mandiri Cooperative Management of East Rejosari Timur Village, Tersono District, Batang Regency, Inti in his discussion said that the Bintang Timur Mandiri Cooperative was established with capital provided by Batang Regency BUMDes of IDR 15 million and assistance from Bina Swadaya.

“From this capital, we have the initiative to form a Non-Community Group (KSM) in Rejosari Village to establish a Savings and Loans Cooperative (KSP) which we named Koperasi Bintang Timur Mandiri. Initially, we embraced the community to join the cooperative. Alhamdullilah to this day the cooperative is still running, even though we encountered obstacles in its journey,” said Inti.

Kegiatan Bina Swadaya saat melakukan pelatihan manajemen koperasi di Batang.

The same thing was also expressed by Rita Andriani, administrator of the Berkah Arta Lestari Cooperative, Ngadirejo Village, Reban District, Batang Regency. He said that the Berkah Arta Lestari Cooperative was established in 2017 and is still growing.

“Although since the last two years, many members have left from the initial 179 members, now it has become 130 members, but we cooperative administrators continue to develop the Berkah Arta Lestari Cooperative to this day,” said Rita.

Koperasi Berkah Arta Lestari is one of the many cooperatives that received training in the formation and management of cooperatives from Bina Swadaya. This cooperative was accompanied for one year by the Bina Swadaya team so that this cooperative could survive and develop until now.

On this occasion, the cooperative administrators of Batang Regency hoped that a gathering forum like this could be a means to strengthen togetherness in efforts to build cooperatives in Batang Regency. It is hoped that the management of the Batang Regency Cooperative will continue to receive assistance from Bina Swadaya.