The founder of Bina Swadaya Foundation, Bambang Ismawan invited the community, especially Bina Swadaya residents, to understand the importance of Bina Swadaya’s philosophy, namely “Serving Others is a Noble Call.” According to him, this philosophy is not just a slogan but must be lived to become a passion in every human being.

Founder of Bina Swadaya Foundation, Bambang Ismawan.
Looking at its history, Bina Swadaya, which was established in 1967, has been declared a Social Entrepreneur & Promotion of Social Entrepreneurship. In other words, Bina Swadaya is a social entrepreneurship institution engaged in business development, community empowerment, and mainly social and economic aspects of solidarity.
Bambang Ismawan mentioned five focuses on the development of Bina Swadaya activities. These include the development of independent community institutions, microfinance development and services, community business development, production and marketing, independence education and training, and development communication development.
Bina Number carries out several Swadaya in developing community-based institutions, including self-help groups, cooperatives, BPR, publishing and digital media, training, and consultation.
In addition, Bina Swadaya also gave the Trubus Kusala Swadaya Award, which is an award given to individuals or groups who take the initiative and are creative in increasing community empowerment in the fields of health, environment, education, socio-economy, and appropriate technology with an entrepreneurial approach.
“Bina Swadaya empowers the community and helps build the economy. This is the result achieved by Bina Swadaya for the community,” said Bambang Ismawan when studying online with Trubus Bina Swadaya.
When Bina Swadaya establishes networks with other institutions such as NGOs, Government Institutions, Private Sector, Banking, Professional Institutions, Universities/Universities, and Donor Agencies, the resulting impact is not only on individuals and communes but also on sectoral, regional, and national levels.
He often described The national level when Bina Swadaya collaborated with various institutions to form a non-governmental group (KSM) of around 1 million KSM with members reaching 25 million families.
It doesn’t stop there. In its vision and mission, Bina Swadaya is working to participate in influencing government policies guided by Social Solidarity Economy (SSE) as its direction.
On that occasion, Bambang Ismawan also wanted the younger generation everywhere and in Bina Swadaya to continue the spirit of empowerment by learning from the philosophy of Bina Swadaya. According to him, the philosophy of Bina Swadaya becomes very relevant when the millennial generation in Bina Swadaya is committed to continuing Bina Swadaya for the next 50 years.
“When we commemorate 50 years of Bina Swadaya, the spirit is so strong that millennials in Bina Swadaya promise to continue the body and soul of Bina Swadaya. The success of Bina Swadaya’s 54-year journey can be achieved through various creative efforts that are carried out continuously,” concluded Bambang Ismawan.