The Aquaculture System Activation Group (ASIK) which is the center of freshwater fish production in Sumuran Village, Batang Toru District, South Tapanuli Regency, North Sumatra rose again after Bina Swadaya Konsultan (BSK) provided direct assistance to the group.
The assistance is carried out in the framework of cooperation in the Sustainable Local Institution-Based Economic Development program with PT. Agincourt Resources (PT. AR) in Batang Toru sub-district. In this activity, BSK accompanied 6 groups in 2 villages and 2 villages, one of which was the ASIK group in Sumuran Village.

The history of the ASIK group itself began in 2019 when PT. AR who initiated the establishment of the group provided support in the fisheries sector by revitalizing 3 fish ponds and providing freshwater fish seeds. The results of the revitalization were able to make Sumuran Village a center for freshwater production.
From this assistance, the group was able to harvest approximately 1,000 kg (1 ton), and 500 kg of fish were sold at prices ranging from Rp20,000/kg to Rp25,000/kg. The rest of the harvest is then distributed to the community so that residents support group activities.
However, obstacles began to appear in 2021, when the spring water that had been used began to dry up. In addition, the group was also constrained by the expiration of the lease for pond land contracts, and magot cultivation activities that stopped.
The presence of BSK when the group experienced problems was welcomed by its members. From the results of the BSK meeting with the group, it was agreed that the location of the new pond was on the land of Mr. Andi Panjaitan to be free from land costs, and built 3 ponds as the beginning of group activities.
Along with the process of making the pool, the group invited 3 people who live in Sumuran Village to join the group activities. After the pond preparation has been completed, BSK held a Field School (SL) for Freshwater Aquaculture as a group learning forum.
Field School which is conducted in the form of weekly meetings aims to provide insight to members such as choosing freshwater fish seeds, magot cultivation as alternative feed, building magot houses, and several other activities.

In January 2022, members stocked 4,000 freshwater fish seedlings in the 3 ponds (2,000 tilapia in Pond 1, 1,000 carp in Pond 2, and 1,000 catfish in Pond 3).
At the end of March 2022, the group was finally able to harvest 97 kg of catfish with an average of 7 catfish/kg.
Mr. Andi Panjaitan as the head of the ASIK group on the occasion also announced the change of the group’s name to ASIK SAROHA SUMURAN. This is because there is a provision from the fisheries service that the group name consists of three words.
At the harvest activity, the Fisheries Office of South Tapanuli Regency announced that the ASIK SAROHA SUMURAN group has officially become a Fishery Cultivator Group (POKDAKAN) with Reg No:
On that occasion, 7 members were also given Marine and Fisheries Business Actor Cards (KUSUKA) to facilitate access to assistance from the government. Present at the harvest was community development PT.AR, the Head of Sumuran Village, community leaders and traditional leaders of Sumuran Village, and the Fisheries Office of South Tapanuli Regency.
Expand the Pool
After harvesting catfish, the group took the initiative to build 2 new ponds and independently buy fish seeds to be stocked in the pond. With the addition of 2 pools, the total pool of the ASIK SAROHA SUMURAN group is 6 pools.

In addition to the construction of 2 new ponds, BSK also invited the group to process the harvest into processed products made from catfish. The processed products produced are fish sticks, shredded fish, and fish crackers. The processed fish production was carried out by the wives of group members which were packaged simply and introduced at the market around Sumuran Village.
The presence of processed products from catfish turned out to be welcomed by the public, even catfish sticks were able to become people’s favorites with many orders for Eid al-Fitr needs in early May 2022. In addition, demand also comes from small stalls for fish sticks that are sold for Rp1,000 per pack.
After conducting group management and financial management training, the ASIK SAROHA SUMURAN group has been able to equip itself with AD / ART, financial statements of sales data, production, and technical rules that are mutually agreed upon. (VALS/NN-BSK)