October 6, 2023

Financial Management Training for Non-Community Groups and Cooperatives.

Institutional-based economic development is one of PT Agincourt Resources’ Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) programs in collaboration with Bina Swadaya Konsultan (BSK) in its implementation in South Tapanuli Regency, North Sumatra Province. One of the activities was Financial Management Training for Non-Community Groups and Cooperatives which was attended by several Women’s Farmer Groups (KWT), Livestock Groups, Joint Business Groups and Cooperatives Saturday (26/3).

Located at Café Kopinta Km 02 Aek Pining Village, the training was attended by representatives (Chairman, Deputy, and Treasurer) from 6 assisted groups, namely KWT Makmur Jaya Desa Bandar Hapinis; KWT Torop Jaya Sumuran Village; ASIK Saroha Sumuran Village; KUB Bator Craft and PADU Group of Aek Pining Village; and Sarop Do Maulana Cooperative Wek II Village. This activity enables groups to understand, organise, and manage their business finances.

So far, some of the main obstacles that have caused the slow development of the group’s business are knowledge of the business fields being run, limited capital, untidy group financial records and low human resource capacity. Through the implementation of this training activity, it is hoped that these problems can be resolved properly.

The group financial management training includes several sub-sections: financial administration, quarterly reports (periodic accountability), and annual accountability. Through simple financial management training, participants are expected to gain insight into accurate financial management to prepare them better to face increasingly fierce business competition.