October 6, 2023

Collaborating with BSK, Ministry of Social Affairs Supports the Acceleration of Social Empowerment Through ProKUS in DKI Jakarta

The Ministry of Social Affairs continues to synergize with Commission VIII of the House of Representatives of the Republic of Indonesia in implementing social welfare programs for the community. One of them is through social empowerment programs through the Social Entrepreneurship Program (ProKUS) which collaborates with Bina Swadaya Konsultan (BSK) by providing mentors in providing mentoring to recipients of social entrepreneurship programs in the DKI Jakarta area.

ProKUS is an entrepreneurship program from the Directorate of Social Empowerment, Individuals, Families, and Community Institutions (PSPKKM) under the Directorate of Social Empowerment of the Ministry of Social Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia. ProKUS aims to empower KPM PKH who have graduated and have business start-ups to be able to live a prosperous life.

“Prokus is expected to improve the living standards of KPM (Beneficiary Families) sustainably, for example in the fields of household industries, services, culinary, handicrafts, creative industries, agricultural cultivation, and agrotourism,” Risma said in her statement.

Irwan Sumardi

During the inauguration of the Mulya Jaya attention creation center in Pasar Rebo, East Jakarta, Thursday (9/9), Risma visited the ProKUS booth and greeted Irwan Sumardi who was one of the recipients of the program assistance.

On this occasion, Irwan, who is also the chairman of Karang Taruna Malaka Sari, East Jakarta, revealed that he felt the benefits received from the Ministry of Social Affairs’ Prokus program. One of them is the culinary business of processed mushrooms and fruit juice or fresh ice that is growing.

“If previously selling crispy mushrooms like (using) plastic bags using a hot press. No stickers yet. Now that’s us (selling) at the stall the price is also cheap Rp 2,000. When the assistance takes place, we are directed to make the packaging more attractive, the name and label must be clear on the product, “said Irwan when met at the exhibition.

On that occasion, Irwan said that during the mentoring, he was directed to sell through social media (online) to increase income.

“The fresh ice is already in food, the crispy mushrooms are also there. Cuman is still not far away, only 5km, “he said.

For the price of fresh ice, he set a price of Rp. 15,000 at the online store, while at the booth he set a price of Rp. 12,000 and per day an average of 15-17 glasses were sold. In addition, Irwan provides a 350ml bottle variant.

“Currently, the income from sales for the business capital round is used to complete equipment, equipment, and materials. For cash, there is still nothing more. Still adding tools first. Tools that already have a blender, sealer make a press. Still manual cooler box, pot, and cook,” he said.

He also hopes that through the assistance of ProKUS with Bina Swadaya Konsultan, he can get a distribution permit such as PIRT because currently only IMK.

On this occasion, Minister of Social Affairs Risma also encouraged Irwan to be more creative in product packaging and sell his products to make them more marketable.