Together to build an empowered community!

Established since 1983, Bina Swadaya Consultants is a national consulting services companyengaged in empowerment public through various activity entrepreneurship social in various sector

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BSK STM - Pendampingan UMKM (2)

Our Program

BSK Program Area Distribution with Clients / Partners

Peta sebaran layanan BSK

Our experience will help you shape an empowered and high-quality community

Established since 1983, Bina Swadaya Konsultan has successfully completed more than 200 projects in collaboration with partners from various backgrounds

Urban Accompaniment
12 Project
Health Accompaniment
51 Project
Agricultural Accompaniment
12 project
Forestry Accompaniment
7 Project
Microfinance Accompaniment
12 project
Emergency & Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR)
46 project

We have competence in

What did they say?

Ready to Build an Empowered Indonesian Community?

Bina Swadaya Konsultan will help you make it happen!